Posts tagged super role model
Sydney's scuzzy trio, oWo bring fuzzed out swagger on single, 'Super Role Model'

In the lead up to the release of their debut album later this month, Sydney’s fuzzed-out post-punk trio, oWo have offered-up the first single (and title track), ‘Super Role Model’.

‘Super Role Model’ is a scuzzy, fuzzed-out swagger, with a bass line that sounds like it’s looking for a fight. The drums have a slacker feel, but aggressively so, and the panned, delayed guitar adds plenty of eerie menace to the track. It’s the vocals, with hardly any effort, that give ‘Super Role Model’ the who-gives-a-fuck vibe. It’s a sound that used to be at the forefront of Australian Alt Rock in the 90s, and it deserves a comeback to the fold.

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