Rockfest, Caloundra, July 10 2021

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Caloundra Rockfest (Winter Edition) went ahead on July 10 at Norton Music Factory (West Caloundra). If you’ve never been there, it’s a hidden musical gem set-up for musicians by musicians, in the most unlikely of spots. Rockfest saw the likes of Jazzella (who’s current single, ‘Shoot’ is killing it right now), Owls of Neptune, Brisbane’s Speedracer, Taylah J & Stone Moth, The Blow-ins and Total Radio Silence all performing at the sold out event, which was racing funds for the Dunga Derby (an amazing cause to raise funds for families affected by serious medical issues).
To capture it all, photographer Chris Clow was there with his keen eye and talented lens.


Owls of Neptune


Taylah J & Stone Moth

The Blow-ins

Total Radio Silence