Melbourne's Thea FitzGerald returns with soulful ode to feminine magnificence in 'Woman'

Melbourne eclectic singer/songwriter, Thea FitzGerald stuns with an empowering new single, ‘Woman’. Not content with having already released an electric, energetic EP in ‘Falling Forward’ earlier this year, Thea expands on sound with this new release.

In a modern world that supposedly celebrates the spectrum of womanhood, Thea FitzGerald still sees that in practice, this solidarity can often be frustratingly distant and shallow.

There are some artists, that upon hearing their voice, you can tell that music is their lifeblood; with Thea’s return after her epic EP, ‘Falling Forward’, listening to her vocal delivery in ‘Woman’ you just know that every note that emanates from her, comes from deep within her soul. There are levels of complexity to ‘Woman’, it’s multilayered, without each texture crushing the next, instead, sounding vast. Previously Thea hasn’t shied away from the 90s slick RnB sounds, but this time around, the 80s are explored, particularly with the Tony Levin-sounding bass, and the heavy percussion loaded with a tonne of reverb, which gives a heavy Peter Gabriel vibe. This is a big song.

‘Woman’ builds on the confusion and frustration that is borne from this dynamic, having truly internalised the power and brilliance of being a woman or female identifying, whilst knowing so much of womanhood is still largely misunderstood.

From here, conflicts are generated and beg the question: while an individual has managed to cultivate confidence, esteem and gratitude, if they're not infuriated by those who are yet to truly appreciate their womanhood, are they complacent and complicit in undermining a fully realised femininity? ‘Woman’ answers this question eloquently, and with heart.

FitzGerald’s writing is truthful, relatable, and is given extra weight by her soaring vocals and stacked harmonies.

With production by Stuart Le Brander, playful and intricate percussion balances the frustration and sass evoked in the lyrics. Fitzgerald brings a much needed burst of energy and joy with the release of ‘Woman', something which she attributes to being able to go through life standing in solidarity alongside other women.

‘Woman’ is out now on all streaming platforms.

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