NEW RELEASE - Haters come out of iso to bring you a new track, 'Haters'


Punk-ass garage rock duo, Haters have killed their iso boredom by bringing out a new track, ‘Haters’.

Whether it’s a sly jibe at non-believers, or they’ve bravely named a song after themselves, we’re not entirely sure, but it’s a love song - well, kinda.

What we DO know is that it’s a punch to the guts in a fun way. A one-minute and fifty-two second Stooges-inspired slam to the face, with a shit-tonne of drums from James Priest, and sharp fuzzy guitar action from Jai Sparks, all wrapped-around one lyric - ‘I love the way that you hate me, haters’.

Recorded by Branko Cosic (Tape/Off, Total Pace) in the 1000Hz studio in his garage, what was once a demo, sprung to life, and with the help of footage capturing the day in the life of a good ol’ bin chicken, filmed & edited by Rob Ting, Haters can now tide this over until we get to see them punch out a few live sets when all this Covid crap dissipates.